1 day ago · Essay on terrorism in easy english, types of lead-ins for essays essay on school zone of peace. Case study for construction claim notice examples of research papers on autism economics grade 12 business cycle essay someone for essay Pay essay about making process essay on Aug 29, · This can be a good topic for your argumentative essay on gender pay gap. Remember that even if you support only one side of the argument, you still should mention the opposite opinions and the reasons why they exist. In your research on gender inequality thesis statement should express your view of the general situation. Ask yourself if you The gender pay gap has continued to grow throughout the years due to a plethora of reasons. The gender pay gap refers to the median annual pay of all woman who work full-time and year-round, thus compared to the pay of a similar background of men. There is not one reason behind this gender pay gap, rather the pay gap is a result of many factors
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Gender inequality in the United States has been diminishing throughout its history and significant advancements towards equality have been made beginning mostly in the early s. However, despite this progress, gender inequality in the United States continues to persist in many forms, including the disparity in women's political representation and participation, occupational segregationand the unequal distribution of household labor.
The alleviation of gender inequality has been the goal of several major pieces of legislation since and continues to the present day. As ofthe Argumentative essay on gender pay gap Economic Forum ranks the United States 51st in terms of gender equality out of countries. In addition to the inequality faced by women, inequality, prejudice, and violence against transgender men and women, as well as gender nonconforming individuals and non-binary individuals, are also prevalent in the United States.
Transgender individuals suffer from prejudices in the workforce and employment, higher levels of domestic violence, higher rates of hate crimes, especially murder, and higher levels of police brutality when compared to the cisgender population. More recent research in has found that attitudes towards gender and societal roles have changed very little since the mids, with attitudes hovering at about sixty to seventy percent egalitarian.
This study theorized that a "egalitarian but traditional" gender frame emerged in popular culture during this period, which supports each gender assuming their traditional roles without appearing sexist or discriminatory, and is responsible for this backlash. Benevolent sexismsometimes referred to as chivalry, argumentative essay on gender pay gap, which holds women as something to be protected, also has psychological effects.
Women who hold these views are more likely to have less ambitious career goals and men who hold these views tend to have a polarized and stereotyped view of women, made up of both very favorable and very unfavorable traits.
Research conducted at Lycoming College has found the enjoyment of sexist humor to be strongly correlated with sexual aggression towards women among male college students. The Center for American Women and Politics reports that, as of Women also make up, as of Among the one hundred largest cities in the United States, ten argumentative essay on gender pay gap female mayors as of Inpolitical science professor Susan Welch presented three possible explanations for this underrepresentation of women in politics: one, that women are socialized to avoid careers in politics; two, that women's responsibilities in the home keep them away out of both the work force and the political arena; and three, women are more often than men members of other demographic groups with low political participation rates.
Margaret Conwaypolitical science professor at the University of Floridaalso presented three possible explanations for the continuation of this disparity: one, similar to Welch's first explanation, sociological and societal norm discourages women from running; two, women less frequently acquire the necessary skills to hold a political leadership position from nonpolitical activities; and three, gatekeeping in party politics prevents women from running.
The United States is falling behind other Western countries in the percentage of women engaged in the workforce. They ranked the United States last out of 20 industrialized countries in an index that measured such programs as family leavealternative work arrangementspart-time employment, and other means to make workplaces more flexible and family-friendly.
Jane Wilke from the University of Connecticut found that men's support of argumentative essay on gender pay gap idea that men should be the sole source of income in a married couple decreased from 32 to 21 percent from to ; in practice only 15 percent of households were supported by a male spouse's argumentative essay on gender pay gap alone at the time of the study, argumentative essay on gender pay gap.
Women continuously are being mistreated and sexually discriminated against explicitly in the workplace today. This has been an ongoing issue and will most likely continue until something changes in the occupational sphere.
According to a study conducted by researchers at California State University, Northridgewhen an individual with a PhD applies for a position at a university, that individual is significantly more likely to be offered a higher level of appointment, receive an offer of an academic position leading to tenure, and be offered a full professorship if they are a man when compared to a woman of comparable qualifications.
Research from Lawrence University has found that men were more likely to be hired in traditionally masculine jobs, such as sales management, and women were more likely to be hired in traditionally feminine jobs, such as receptionist or secretary.
However, individuals of either gender with masculine personality traits were advantaged when applying for either masculine or feminine jobs, indicating a possibly valuing of stereotypically male traits above stereotypically female traits. Occupational gender segregation takes the form of both horizontal segregation the unequal gender distribution across occupations and vertical segregation the overrepresentation of men in higher positions in both traditionally male and traditionally female fields.
According to William A. Darity, Jr. and Patrick L. US women spend over twice as much time on housework as men, averaging an extra 65 minutes per day 7.
If the women are employed, or highly-paid, they don't do less housework. This has been explained as a way to make their career success less threatening, and reassert traditional sexuality. US women are reluctant to delegate housework to men partly because they believe that it won't be done properly.
Women are, on average, more concerned about undone housework, an attitude gap that has been attributed to socialization and societies that hold women responsible for the state of the home. In households and societies where gender equality is more highly valued, less time overall is spent on housework. Stephanie Coontza professor of family history at Evergreen State Collegenoted that one of the factors contributing to the gender inequality in the United States is that most men still expect women and men to assume traditional gender roles in the households and for women to carry out a larger share of the housework.
Researchers from the University of Maryland have found that while men have steadily begun to perform more household labor sincemost of the essential and traditionally feminine tasks are still carried out by women; men generally carry out more nonessential or infrequent tasks, such as taking out the trash or mowing the lawn, argumentative essay on gender pay gap. Researchers from the University of Michigan have found that from tothe percentage of men and women who supported traditional social roles for wives and believed that maternal employment damages mother-child relationships or children's development decreased.
However numerous studies dispute the claim that discrimination accounts for the majority of the pay gap. According to researchers at the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Illinois at Urbana—Champaignthe primary cause of this gap is discrimination manifested in the tendency of women to be hired more frequently in lower paying occupations, in addition to the fact that male dominated occupations are higher paying than female dominated occupations, and that, even within comparable occupations, women are often paid less than men.
In medicine, female physicians are compensated less, argumentative essay on gender pay gap despite the fact that evidence suggest that the quality of care female physicians provide may be higher than that of male physicians. The gender pay gap has continued to grow throughout the years due to a plethora of reasons. The gender pay gap refers to the median annual pay of all woman who work full-time and year-round, thus compared to the pay of a similar background argumentative essay on gender pay gap men.
Another topic of discussion argumentative essay on gender pay gap the gender pay gap is the racial pay gap that exists in our country today.
Not only are women discriminated against for their gender, but also women are discriminated against for their race. The racial pay gap in the workplace is just another aspect of the pay gap issue that our society needs to overcome as soon as possible, argumentative essay on gender pay gap.
Overall, different groups of women experience distinct gaps in pay in the workplace due to solely their race. Generally, among women of all ethnicities and races, the hourly earnings of Asian argumentative essay on gender pay gap white women tend to be higher than African American and Hispanic women [56] A study by the Pew Research Center reported that Asian women, argumentative essay on gender pay gap average, receive about 18 dollars an hour, while white women earn 17 dollars, African American women get 13 dollars, and Hispanic women receive 12 dollars.
Female Hispanic women earn wages far less than their women and male counterparts, argumentative essay on gender pay gap. They earn the lowest among all ethnicities including Asian and Black women workers. Infor every 1 dollar a white male worker earns, a Hispanic woman earns 53 cents. Whereas, the white female employee makes That is 47 percent less than white males and 31 percent less than white females.
This struggle to provide, while earning low salaries, interferes with affording childcare services, and taking off days from work to take care of themselves or their children. Some of the most attractive jobs for Latinas includes retail and customer service. Hispanics put aside a day called "Latina Equal Pay Day", usually in November, that spreads awareness about the fact that Latinas have to work 10 months longer than a white male to make as much money as them.
No matter the education level, they earn less than their white female counterparts, argumentative essay on gender pay gap. The pay gap between women and men is clearly evident. However, the several subgroups that pertain to women show how race, alongside gender, cause innate disadvantages in the workplace for certain individuals. In general, argumentative essay on gender pay gap, a woman would have to work nearly four extra months per year in order to earn the same annual salary an average man receives.
For Native American women specifically, argumentative essay on gender pay gap, equal pay would not be received for an extra nine months per year. Historical wage disparities that derived from the unequal treatment of races from years prior still persist. This is argued as dangerous because it can also stem from the unequal placement of racial groups argumentative essay on gender pay gap specific neighborhoods, thus resulting in inferior education.
In turn, this can be one of the causes, alongside discrimination, for why Native American women experience a larger than normal wage disparity. As well, this continues neighborhood association causes a continuous cycle of a more impoverished lifestyle for Native Americans. Given the fact that woman in general are already at an alarming wage gap compared to men, this large number indicates a serious disparity and large role race also plays in wage disparities within genders.
The pay gap between Caucasian women and Caucasian men is substantial. While these numbers clearly describe the inequality between white men and white women, the pay gap between them is much closer than other races including Hispanic, Native American, American Indian and Native Hawaiian.
While women's median annual earnings may not increase significantly every year, it is generally on an upward trend.
One of the biggest factors that leads to the gap between white men and women is parenting. While many white women are staying home to take care of their family, men are continuing to work and earn money. Despite the gradual decrease in pay gap between men and women, the government needs to argumentative essay on gender pay gap more laws so that this pay gap eventually disappears. A big difference in the salary earnings between Caucasian men and women is due to job titles and experience.
Despite all of these inequalities for Caucasian women in the workplace, there are many ways to reduce the pay gap. One way the government can help women even the playing field would be to add mentoring programs. These programs could help women negotiate their salaries and working conditions. As ofargumentative essay on gender pay gap, African American women make 61 cents to the white man's dollar, argumentative essay on gender pay gap.
In the top 25 states with the largest numbers of Black women working full-time, year-round, the pay compared to white men ranges from about 48 to 68 cents for every dollar. For example, in places like Washington, D. and Mississippi, Black women still only make 55 cents to the white man's dollar even though they have the highest share of full-time working black women. Of this 4 million, 1.
There are many reasons why these disparities exist. Black women are more likely to be found occupying lower paying service jobs than any other demographic, meaning that the chances of finding them in engineering or managerial positions, higher paying jobs, is very slim. Very few black women advance to executive leadership positions due to lack of finding other black women in those positions to be a mentor or to network with, which is something that their white counterparts have more access to.
Literacy and enrollment in primary and secondary education are at parity in the United States, and women are overrepresented in tertiary education. To study gender inequality in elementary and middle schools, researchers from NYU and Indiana University used data from the nationally representative Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, specifically the to and to cohorts. When comparing average math test scores of boys and girls in kindergarten, they did not discover an average gender gap.
However, when looking at data from students in second or third grade, the researchers discovered that boys perform better on the math tests by a standard deviation of 0.
So often in our society, girls receive signals from an early age that they are not good at math, or that boys are simply better. This can occur at home, when wives ask their husbands for help when it comes to math. At school and at home, many young girls receive the message that they either "have the math gene or they do not. Oftentimes, women do not realize they are sending these messages to their daughters. Specific to university and college campuses, gender inequalities can argumentative essay on gender pay gap seen when looking into the demographics of particular majors.
This initial entrance into a particular field of study is shaped by an individual's desires to take a certain set of classes, argumentative essay on gender pay gap, leading to somewhat specific career opportunities and subsequently, salaries. When exploring the depths of college majors, there is a tendency for each gender to cluster into certain majors.
These stereotypical "masculine" and "feminine" degrees are key indicators to the inequalities women face in certain fields, specifically within the sciences and mathematics. Based on the Department of Education collections of data from the College Class of"women earn the large majority of degrees in health professions, psychology, education, English and communication, while men earn the large majority of degrees in engineering, computer science, and theology.
The results of Sylvia Beyer's study surveying female and male students from the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, to test the accuracy of gender stereotypes, conclude that students believe men and women are concentrated argumentative essay on gender pay gap different fields and that specific majors are deemed "masculine" and "feminine.
These perceptions may not accurately describe the gender percentages in each field, but prove that men are more likely to be seen in STEM concentrations than women. Additionally, argumentative essay on gender pay gap, Yale researchers have published studies which prove that young male scientists are more likely to be favored than female scientists with the same candidacy.
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