Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Country life vs city life essay

Country life vs city life essay

country life vs city life essay

Facundo: Civilization and Barbarism (original Spanish title: Facundo: Civilización y Barbarie) is a book written in by Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, a writer and journalist who became the seventh president of blogger.com is a cornerstone of Latin American literature: a work of creative non-fiction that helped to define the parameters for thinking about the region's development My Essay Gram: A custom essay writing service that sells original assignment help services to students. We provide essay writing services, other custom assignment help services, and research materials for references purposes only. Students should ensure that they reference the materials obtained from our website appropriately 1 day ago · The opinion essay meaning. Aama essay in nepali language words used in a comparative and contrast essay essay on a person that changed my life. What is a rationale for dissertation summary of an essay on criticism by pope cry the beloved country literary analysis essay rics valuation case study example the best way to end an blogger.comg with diversity in the classroom essay case study

Country life vs city life compare /contrast essay

Village life is known to be calm and pure as people are closer to the nature in villages; however, it also has its own set of challenges. Though, the people living in village areas lead a peaceful life they are devoid of many modern amenities that make life comfortable. Traditional village life is devoid of the comforts that a city life offers. Though, today almost every village is well connected with roads; transportation is still scarce and if present, is of poor quality.

Light and water might not be an issue for modern village, but they lack behind the cities on availability of other civic amenities. Villages have poor drainage system and no waste disposal mechanism at all, making the residents more prone to diseases and infections. Villages are beautiful. Life in villages is serene and peaceful. Though the facilities in villages may be lesser than that in the cities however most of the people living there are far more content and happy. Here we have provided essay on village life of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam or in school assignments.

These Village Life Essay have been written in simple country life vs city life essay easy language, elaborating all the details of a village life and its pros and cons.

People living in the villages mostly indulge in agricultural activities and stay away from the hustle and bustle of the chaotic city life. They lead a simple life. A day in the life of a villager starts early morning. People usually wake up around 5 am and start with their daily chores. Since most of the people in the villages sleep on their roofs they are woken up as the day light breaks.

They may even be woken up by the crowing of rooster. In most of the villages, it is the male members who go out to work while the females sit at home and complete the household tasks such as cleaning and cooking. Children get ready and head to the schools located nearby. The male members are mostly involved in farming and other agricultural activities.

They either have their own farms or work for the landlords who hire them. Cycles are the most common means to travel from home to work. This is the reason why the pollution level in the villages is far low compared to the cities. Farmers toil hard in the farms. Many of them go home for lunch others have their lunch in the shade of a tree.

All in all, life in a village is slow yet peaceful. Villages are known for their beautiful natural surroundings.

They remain unperturbed even today when there is so much of chaos and competition around. People in villages lead a simple life and are content with whatever little they have. However, while the village life offers numerous advantages, it also has country life vs city life essay set of disadvantages. Villages offer a peaceful environment. They are satisfied with what they have and lead a peaceful life.

People in the villages prefer walking down to the market, schools and other places or commute via cycle. There is hardly any car or motorcycle in the villages. Besides, there is no industrial pollution in the villages as farming is the main occupation there. This is the reason why these are less polluted. People in villages are very social.

They value and respect each other. They visit one another quite often and celebrate all the occasions together. This is good for the growth and development of the children as well as a plus for the elderly people who are often isolated in the cities. The infrastructure of villages is quite poor. Many villages lack even the basic amenities such as electricity, sanitation facility, medical facilities and means of transport.

Many villages do not have any schools or encompass only primary schools. People hesitate sending their children to towns and cities to seek education and hence most people in villages remain uneducated.

There is a lot of gender inequality in the villages. Women country life vs city life essay mostly confined to the household chores and are not allowed to express their opinion on any matter. Thus, village life has both pros and cons. The government must take initiative to develop the villages a bit so that life there can become more comfortable. Village life is calm and peaceful while city life is fast paced. There are many other differences between village life and city life.

There are pros and cons attached to both village life and city life. Here is a closer look at what each of these has to offer. Village life is quite slow but peaceful. Villagers lead a simple life. They live in harmony with each other. They value relationships and make efforts to maintain the same. They are well aware about the people living in their neighborhood and stand by them in their hour of need. Villagers also give special importance to their customs and traditions and follow them religiously.

The festivals in villages are celebrated collectively and thus the joy and happiness during that time doubles up. People in villages are mostly involved in agricultural activities.

Some of them are artisans and are involved in preparing various kinds of beautiful handicraft items. Villagers may not be equipped with modern day technologies and gadgets but they have their own ways of enjoying life.

Many of the villages around the world are devoid of the basic amenities such as electricity, sanitation facilities, country life vs city life essay, hospitals, schools, etc, country life vs city life essay. Villagers face numerous challenges owing to the lack of these amenities.

Most of the villagers do not give much importance to education. They are content with the basic education they acquire in the village schools. City life is quite fast and competitive. People living in the cities get all the modern day facilities that are required to lead a comfortable life. However, they need to toil hard to earn a good living. People in the cities are involved in various kinds of jobs.

There are different kinds of businesses and jobs available for people with different educational qualifications and skills. The work opportunities in cities are far greater compared to villages. The infrastructure of cities is good. Cities encompass good schools, colleges and medical facilities, country life vs city life essay. People living in the cities give much importance to education and ensure their children seek higher education.

However, people in the city are not as cordial as those living in the villages. People here are so busy with their own life that they do not matter much about those around them. This is the reason why many people living here enjoy high stand of living but do not lead a satisfying life. The stress level of people in the cities is high. While the village country life vs city life essay is considered stress-free compared to the city life, it has its set of disadvantages.

Many villagers these days are shifting to cities to seek better jobs and raise their standard of living. Indian villages are beautiful and serene, country life vs city life essay.

Majority of the Indian population resides in country life vs city life essay. The villagers lead a peaceful life amid greenery away from the mad rush of the cities. The needs of the villagers are less so they are satisfied with whatever little they have. While the villagers in India enjoy a pollution free environment and are closer to nature however they do face certain challenges. There are thousands of villages in India.

Every state in India encompasses hundreds of villages. The culture and traditions followed in Indian villages differs from state to state. The way the villagers dress up and the kind of things they eat is different in different regions. However, their way of living is largely the same. The villagers in India lead a simple life, country life vs city life essay. They are hard working and enjoy the simplicities of life. The roles of men and women in the Indian villages are well defined.

The women in the villages stay at home and take care of the household chores. They cook, clean and may even be involved in sewing and knitting. The male members of the house go out to earn their livelihood. They are mostly involved in agricultural activities. Some of them also indulge in creating handicraft items.

Big City Life or Countryside?

, time: 5:53

Long and Short Essay on Village Life in English for Children and Students

country life vs city life essay

Facundo: Civilization and Barbarism (original Spanish title: Facundo: Civilización y Barbarie) is a book written in by Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, a writer and journalist who became the seventh president of blogger.com is a cornerstone of Latin American literature: a work of creative non-fiction that helped to define the parameters for thinking about the region's development Nov 06,  · Looking at Life Satisfaction by Country. Studies on the variance in life satisfaction between nations have shown that living conditions exert a strong influence over average life satisfaction. That is, economically prosperous countries tend to have a higher average life satisfaction than poorer nations; on a similar note, countries with better LIFE: Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory. LIFE celebrates the 50th anniversary of the beloved family classic Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory with a veritable chocolate river of stories and photos. The book features a collection of gorgeous behind-the-scenes photographs that reveal the merriment and mayhem of the original movie set

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