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Dissertation evaluation form rackham student must have completed a bachelor's degree at an accredited college or university by the time of entry in order to be considered for admission. Successful AIM Ph. applicants will demonstrate an interest in an interdisciplinary area of applied mathematics in addition to substantial mathematical ability, dissertation evaluation form rackham.
Two types of students are generally dissertation evaluation form rackham for admission to the AIM Ph. Mathematics Ph. Admission Requirements The undergraduate major need dissertation evaluation form rackham be mathematics, but a student should have mastered material roughly equivalent to the undergraduate mathematics major at The University of Michigan including:.
In addition, a student should have completed at least three additional mathematics courses and at least two courses in related fields such as statistics, computer science, or the physical sciences. Students with strong records in less comprehensive programs will be considered for admission but if admitted should expect to spend the first one or two semesters in graduate school completing their undergraduate preparation in mathematics.
Based on historical data, we expect that successful applicants to the Ph. program will have an overall GPA of at least 3, dissertation evaluation form rackham. Letters of recommendation play an especially crucial role in the admission process. At least three letters are required, and up to five may be submitted. Applicants should choose as recommenders people who know their strengths and weaknesses relevant to graduate study in mathematics.
The most useful letters are those which list in some detail the accomplishments of the student and make direct comparisons with other students who have succeeded at major U.
graduate schools. International students already in the U. should submit letters from their U. institution, whenever possible. Please register your recommenders for the electronic Letters of Recommendation when using the Online Application. Letters received after the application deadline will be accepted, but should be received within 1 week of that deadline, dissertation evaluation form rackham.
Those students who will have completed a Master's degree in Mathematics by the time they begin studies at the University of Michigan must apply to the Ph. Others may apply to either program. Be sure to mention any specific faculty with whom you wish dissertation evaluation form rackham work. Focus your personal statement on what makes you unique, any struggles you have experienced and overcome, and why you feel U-M Math is the right place for you.
Be sure to include any hardships you have experiencedand how you overcame them. These could be financial, familial, or personal. Transcript Submission: The Mathematics Admissions Committee will review uploaded transcripts with university logos during the application process. While these are considered "unofficial" transcripts because they have been opened from their original sealed envelopes, they are acceptable.
If an applicant receives an offer of admission, an official transcript in a sealed envelope will need to be mailed from the institution directly to the Rackham Graduate School. Please submit your most current transcript with your online application by the due date.
If you would like the Admissions Committee to see your Fall term scores, you may email them to math-grad-office umich. edu after the due date, and they will be included with your application.
Note: All credentials submitted for admission consideration become the property of the University of Michigan and will not be returned in original or copy form. Additional Information: Please visit the admissions page of the Rackham Graduate School for additional information regarding admission including: minimum graduate school requirements, residency, dissertation evaluation form rackham, and application fees. Unfortunately, application fee waivers are not available for international students, dissertation evaluation form rackham.
Most students enrolled in dissertation evaluation form rackham Ph. program in Mathematics are granted full financial support including an annual stipend, tuition waiver, and health insurance for a period of five years, subject to satisfactory progress. The Department offers aid in the form of Graduate Student Instructorships, Research Assistantships, and Fellowships. All entering Ph. students will be considered for Graduate Student Instructorships, which normally require four classroom hours of teaching per week plus additional office hours during the Fall and Winter terms.
In addition, dissertation evaluation form rackham, Graduate Student Instructors receive a full tuition waiver. Teaching duties may involve teaching a section of dissertation evaluation form rackham first-year calculus or pre-calculus course or serving as an instructor for recitation sections attached to a faculty lecture in multivariable calculus or elementary differential equations.
The Department of Mathematics has many fellowship opportunities, including the Copeland, Glover, Rainich, and Shields Fellowships which may provide a stipend, tuition waiver and in some cases a reduced teaching load. Other fellowships administered by the Rackham Graduate School can be found at their Fellowships office.
The University of Michigan is part of the CIC consortium, dissertation evaluation form rackham, which also awards fellowships to outstanding underrepresented applicants. All new Graduate Student Instructors are required to attend an orientation and training program which is held the week before classes begin. New Graduate Student Instructors whose Undergraduate Degree is not from an English speaking University must pass an English Evaluation which tests the specific oral skills needed for classroom teaching and are required to attend a three-week cultural orientation program starting in July.
Research Assistantships are awarded mainly to senior Ph. students to relieve them of teaching duties during the final part of their dissertation research. Students at this point may also compete for Rackham Dissertation Fellowships, which provide full support for one year, or Research Partnerships.
A small number of positions as paper-graders for the larger advanced courses is available each term. Some additional funds are often available for support during the summer. More advanced students who are actively involved in research may be supported from NSF grants awarded to faculty members. For other students there is a limited number of Departmental fellowships and a few teaching positions are available.
No advanced graduate courses are offered in either the Spring or Summer half-terms and students are encouraged to spend some of their summers attending workshops, dissertation evaluation form rackham, doing research, working in government, or seeking internships in industry. The Department of Mathematics at the University of Michigan is pleased to offer the Marjorie Lee Browne MLB Scholars Program.
The program is named for Dr. Marjorie Lee Browne, who in became the first African-American woman to earn a Ph. in Mathematics at the University of Michigan.
The MLB Scholars Program is an enhanced option for the M, dissertation evaluation form rackham. degree in either Mathematics or Applied and Interdisciplinary Mathematics that is designed to give students professional knowledge of pure or applied mathematics in order to prepare them for continuing toward a Ph.
Please see this Marjorie Lee Brown Scholars webpage for eligibility and details. If you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact the Department of Mathematics at You can also e-mail us at: math-grad-admissions umich. Submit Site Search Search. previous next. U-M LSA Departments and Units Majors and Minors LSA Gateway. Undergraduate Math Courses Research and Career Opportunities Frequently Asked Questions Policies.
Major and Minor Programs Awards, Scholarships, and Prizes Resources Graduation. Advising Extracurricular Activities Transfer Credit Senior Spotlight. Graduate Student Handbook. Giving Opportunities. Math T-Shirts. Dissertation evaluation form rackham and Algebraic Geometry Combinatorics Financial and Actuarial Mathematics Mathematical Biology Number Theory Named Postdoctoral Fellows.
Applied Mathematics Differential Equations Logic and Foundations Mathematics Education Research Training Grant. The deadline for Fall entry applications is December 15, The Mathematics Department offers a Ph. in Mathematics and Applied and Interdisciplinary Mathematics. Three Letters of Recommendation May submit up to 5 letters, but only 3 are required, dissertation evaluation form rackham. Curriculum Vitae or Resume Academic Statement of Purpose concise - no limit Personal Statement word limit TOEFL or IELTS Exam Non-native English speakers TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition and IELTS Indicator online test are accepted.
In this case, an unofficial copy of test results dissertation evaluation form rackham be submitted with the application to save on reporting fees. Official scores may dissertation evaluation form rackham requested later if needed. Online Application. The Mathematics Department's graduate programs only accept applications for Fall semesters. Admissions Requirements Successful AIM Ph. program: Mathematics majors with excellent grades in mathematics courses and excellent letters of recommendation.
The admissions committee will also take into account other scholarly activities such as summer research experience, published papers, or courses in other fields. Non-mathematics majors from the physical, life, or engineering sciences, or from other appropriate areas of study. Other experience in working with mathematics for instance, summer research positions will also be taken into account, as well as grade point average and letters of recommendation. Admission Requirements The undergraduate major need not be mathematics, but a student should have mastered material roughly equivalent to the undergraduate mathematics major at The University of Michigan including: three semesters of calculus one or two semesters of differential equations one semester courses in modern algebra, linear algebra, geometry or topology advanced calculus of one and several variables In addition, dissertation evaluation form rackham, a student should have completed at least three additional mathematics courses and at least two courses in related fields such as statistics, computer science, or the physical sciences.
GRE, TOEFL, and IELTS Tests GRE and GRE Math subject test scores are optional. Applicants are welcome to submit a GRE score if they wish, but applicants will not be at a disadvantage dissertation evaluation form rackham they choose not to. TOEFL or IELTS exam is required for students whose native language is not English TOEFL and IELTS exams should not be older than two years as of the Admission Deadline. Minimum TOEFL and IELTS scores must meet Rackham's requirements here. TOEFL or IELTS Exemptions are only given per Rackham's rules here.
ETS school code for the University of Michigan Rackham Graduate School is Letters of Recommendation Letters of recommendation play an especially crucial role in the admission process. Personal Statement: Focus your personal statement on what makes you unique, dissertation evaluation form rackham, any struggles you have experienced and overcome, and why you feel U-M Math is the right place for you, dissertation evaluation form rackham.
Programs Most students enrolled in the Ph. Admission FAQs.
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