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How To Start a Driving School Business- The Business Plan - West Forum
In priority of most yet to be successful individuals and families are cars and among the acquisition of successful individuals and families is a car or are a car s as the case may be, diving school business plan bundle. Millions of cars are produced annually, millions are sold as well.
This is to illustrate the high demand for cars, making car production, and sale a lucrative business. Subtly lays yet another lucrative business- DRIVING SCHOOL BUSINESS. Many fail to realize how lucrative a driving school can be for investors. A car is not complete without a driver, and good drivers are products of good and advanced driving school. Driving is now a necessary skill for all to acquire just as a car is a necessity.
Millions of cars are sold annually so do millions subscribe and pay for a driving test or instruction. Do you know you can make a huge profit providing this hot service through opening a driving school business anywhere in the world- diving school business plan bundle United States recorded an annual figure of 1. Personally, a driving school reefers to a private, or grouped established institution of learning for drivers and to be drivers.
Research and findings show that all over the world the need for a driving school remains large and still increasing as far as automobile exists. First thing first, a driving school is a business that has a lot to do with laws- state laws, federal and state road laws, etc and to be in line and avoid running into trouble or possible closure is registration. Registration starts with registering a business name or country with the appropriate body in your country.
Please note while registering please choose a liability company as opposed to a sole proprietor or partnership company. After the business name of company registration, you would apply for licensing diving school business plan bundle business for a driving school with the appropriate body. This involves being a certified driver instructor or having one, a requirement differs from country to country. Some country requires that an instructor should have driven for at least 42 days some require more or less pending on the country.
Read Also: How to Write an Effective Business Plan. After registration of business name and licensing, the next step is to make the time. Starting up a driving school requires much time, so I would include it as a step. see below for possible time schedules you can use. This is the time scheduled you can adopt, you can add more, diving school business plan bundle.
To some customers, this is still not flexible so you will have to make out time for them as well. Make extra money also. Before we jump to the money requirement I would want you to understand the work and service you can offer and make money from in driving school and the possible scale you can start on.
Opening a driving school you would be providing one, two, three, or even all of the service listed below.
Yes, the service offered in a driving school is the driver training service but that is just one service out of a possible five.
This driver training service entails tutoring, conducting, carrying out drivers test, providing driving classes, teaching students how to become a good driver theoretically and practically. Other services you can offer in driving schools are:. In situations of purchase of new cars by the student before and after training a driving school helps process and obtain car papers and other related documents.
If you have offered driving teaching jobs before you would find out that some people are not too interested neither in driving or learning how to drive. Perhaps lazy, they prefer being diving school business plan bundle so you can add driver outsourcing service to your portfolio. All this above service involves money for the customers and profit for the investor in driving school business.
Read Also: How to Start a Profitable Cybercafe Business. To open a driving school you will need some equipment for easy and smooth operation, diving school business plan bundle. For practical teaching and driving, for conducting the driving test s. The number of cars to start with depends on the scale you want to operate in.
you can start with one, two, three, or even 30 cars. Note you will need both Automatic and Manual cars to start. This is a new technology in the business, if you have the money, you can acquire a driving simulator. Though expensive, it will certainly save you some crash on cars by first-timers. The driving school is not all about jumping into a car and have the instructor tell you to go left or right, there are lots of behind scene activities before road appearance, diving school business plan bundle.
To help carry out these activities you will need a board and writing pen for easy teaching. driving school is a lucrative business, and likewise, every business start-ups, investment, and capital is required, in that vein also is driving school business, you will need some certain amount. The capital requirement of this business is dependent on factors like, scale, how many cars, type, and model of cars, how many workers to employ, what services to offer.
Driving school is a good and profitable business irrespective of location, time and season. Return on investment is high and profiting so if diving school business plan bundle want to start? Hope this article helps? If there anything I missed, or you want to make a contribution please use the comment box below to ask. We will provide answers to your questions. Have fun.
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