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The name derives from the age group for secondary entry: 11—12 years, eleven essay. The eleven-plus was once used throughout England and Wales, but is now only used in counties and boroughs in England that offer selective schools instead of comprehensive schools. Also known as the transfer testit is especially associated with the Tripartite System which was in use from until it had been phased out eleven essay most of the UK by The examination tests a student's ability to solve problems using a test of verbal reasoning and non-verbal reasoning, with most tests now also offering papers in mathematics and English.
The intention was that the eleven-plus should eleven essay a general test for intelligence cognitive ability similar to an IQ testbut by also testing for taught curriculum skills it is evaluating academic ability developed over previous years, eleven essay, which implicitly indicates how supportive home and school environments have been. Introduced ineleven essay, the examination was used to determine which type of school the student should attend after primary education : a grammar schoola secondary modern school, or a technical school.
The base of the Tripartite System was the idea that skills were more important than financial resources in determining what kind of schooling a child should receive: different skills required different schooling.
The Tripartite System of education, with an academic, a technical and a functional strand, was established in the s. Prevailing educational thought at the time was that testing was an effective way to discover the strand to which a child was most suited. The results of the exam would be used to match children's secondary schools to their abilities and future career needs.
When the system was implemented, technical schools were not available on the scale envisaged, eleven essay. Instead, the Tripartite System came to be characterised by fierce competition for places at the prestigious grammar schools, eleven essay. As such, the eleven-plus took on a particular significance, eleven essay. Rather than allocating according to need or ability, it became seen as a question of passing or failing.
This led to the exam becoming widely resented by some although strongly supported by others, eleven essay. The structure of the eleven-plus varied over time, and among the different counties which used it, eleven essay. Usually, it consisted of three papers:. Most children took the eleven-plus in their final year of primary school: usually at age 10 or In Berkshire eleven essay Buckinghamshire it was also possible to sit the test a year early — a process named the ten-plus ; later, the Buckinghamshire test was called the twelve-plus and taken a year later than usual.
There are remaining grammar schools in various parts of England, and 67 in Northern Ireland. In counties in which vestiges of the Tripartite System still survive, the eleven-plus eleven essay to exist. Today it is generally used as an entrance test to a specific group of schools, rather than a blanket exam for all pupils, eleven essay, and is taken voluntarily.
For more information on these, see the main article on grammar schools. Eleven-plus and similar exams vary around the country but will use some or all of the following components:.
Eleven-plus tests take place in September of children's final primary school year with results provided to parents in October to allow application for secondary schools. In Lincolnshire children will sit the Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning.
Eleven essay Buckinghamshire children sit tests in Verbal Reasoning, Mathematics and Non-Verbal reasoning. In Kent, where the eleven-plus test is more commonly known as the Kent Test, children sit all four of the above disciplines; however the Creative Writing, which falls as part the English test, will only be used in circumstances of appeal, eleven essay.
In Essexwhere the examination is optional, eleven essay, children sit Verbal Reasoning, Mathematics and English. Other areas use different combinations. Independent schools in England generally select children at the age of 13, eleven essay, using a common set of papers known as the Common Entrance Examination [5] About ten do select at eleven; using papers in English, Mathematics and Science.
These also have the Common entrance exam name. The actual marks from these tests, referred to as raw marks, are never disclosed, instead parents are given Standard Age Scores SAS. A standard score shows how well the individual has performed relative to the mean average score for the population although the term population is open to interpretation. Test results follow eleven essay normal distribution resulting in the familiar bell curve which reliably predicts how many test takers gain each different score.
For example, only By standardising on just the cohort of applicants, a school with for example, places which regularly gets applications can set a minimum pass mark of which selects approximately applicants filling all of the places and leaving about 27 on the waiting list. The downside of this local standardisationeleven essay, as it has been called, is parents are frequently unaware that their children are being judged as much by the standard of eleven essay applicants as their own abilities.
Another issue with the lack of national standards in testing is it prevents any comparison between eleven essay. Public perception may be that only pupils who are of grammar school standard are admitted to grammar schools; however, other information such as the DfE league tables [9] [10] calls into question the existence of any such standard, eleven essay.
Competition for places at Sutton Grammar School is extremely fierce with, eleven essay, according to an online forum [11] over 2, applicants in Eleven essay them, eleven essay, GL and CEM earn an estimated £2. Releasing the raw marks would bring some clarity to the admissions process but attempts to do so have generally been unsuccessful. When a standard score is calculated the results is a negative value for any values below the mean. As it would seem very strange to be given a negative score Goldstein and Fogelman [18] explain, "It is common to 'normalise' the scores by transforming them to give a distribution with a mean of and a standard deviation of A score achieved by only 2.
Most, but not all, eleven essay, authorities normalise follow this convention. The following table eleven essay showing the normalisation values used by some for entry tests taken in The system in Northern Ireland differed from that in England, eleven essay. The last eleven-plus was held in November Citing this on 21 JanuaryNorthern Ireland's Education Minister Caitríona Ruane passed new guidelines regarding post-primary progression as regulation rather than as legislation.
This avoided the need for the proposals to be passed by the Northern Ireland Assemblywhere cross-party support for the changes did not exist. As a result, many post-primary schools are setting their own entrance examinations, eleven essay.
The eleven-plus was a result of the major changes which took place in English eleven essay Welsh education in the years up to In particular, eleven essay, the Hadow Report of called for the division of primary and secondary education to take place on the cusp of adolescence at 11 or The implementation of this break by the Butler Act seemed to offer an ideal opportunity to implement streaming, since all children would be changing school anyway, eleven essay.
Thus testing eleven essay eleven emerged largely as a historical accident, without other specific reasons for testing at that age. The test, composed of Maths, English and Verbal Reasoning could not be passed by ten-year-olds who had not been trained for the test.
A former highmaster of Manchester Grammar School asserted on BBC Radio 4's The Moral Maze that no child who had not seen the verbal reasoning tests that formed the basis of the plus before attempting them would have a "hope in hell" of passing them, he had dispensed with the plus as "worthless". Instead he used personal interviews. Families had to play the system, little booklets were available from local newsagents that showed how to pass the exam and contained many past papers with all the answers provided, which the children then learned by rote, eleven essay.
Criticism of the eleven-plus arose on a number of grounds, though many related more to the wider education system than to academic selection generally or the eleven-plus specifically. The proportions of schoolchildren gaining a place at a grammar school varied by location and sex. Some areas were coeducational and had equal number of places for each gender. Critics of the eleven-plus also claimed that there was a strong class bias in the exam.
JWB Douglasstudying the question infound that children on the borderline of passing were more likely to get grammar school places if they came from middle-class families. In response, eleven essay, the eleven-plus was redesigned during the s to be more like an IQ test. However, even after this modification, grammar schools were eleven essay attended by middle-class children while secondary modern schools were attended by mostly working-class children.
The problem lies with the testing of academic subjects, such as Maths and English, where a child from a working class background with a less supportive school and less educated parents is being measured on their learning environment instead eleven essay potential to succeed [ citation needed ]. Passing — or not passing — the eleven-plus was a "defining moment in many lives", eleven essay, with education viewed as "the silver bullet for enhanced social mobility.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. School test in England and Northern Ireland. See also: List of grammar schools in England eleven essay List of grammar schools in Northern Ireland. Dear Boy: The Life of Keith Moon. Omnibus Press. ISBN Retrieved 17 October Retrieved 9 June Extrapolating would suggest there are approx.
UK — Find and compare schools eleven essay England". Find eleven essay compare schools in England. Field 39, PTPRIORHI shows the Percentage of pupils eleven essay the end of key stage 4 with high prior attainment at the end of key stage 2. uk" PDF. BBC News Online. Retrieved 27 June Public Service. Archived from the original on 22 July The Guardian. Retrieved 16 October Archived from the original on 5 July Retrieved 19 February Education in England. Nursery Playgroup Reception.
Year One Year Two. Year Three Year Four Year Five Year Six, eleven essay. Year Seven Year Eight Year Nine, eleven essay. Year Ten Year Eleven. Year Twelve Year Thirteen. State-funded schools Independent schools Primary school Infant school Junior school Secondary school Sixth form college.
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