POLLUTION Pollution can be a very hazardous thing to happen to the population and the economy. If left to grow to worst condition it can cause health issues to the people of the affected area and can cause death which in turn gives fewer people to work causing the economy to drop to dangerous levels Essay on Pollution ( Words) The word pollution means to tarnish the natural resources which are the producers of a disproportion in the ecosystem. The current catastrophic issue going on is environmental pollution. When a lethal substance creeps into an ambiance at a faster rate than the environments innate accommodation causes blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Feb 10, · While writing an essay on pollution, it becomes important that you mention the major four types of pollution which are as follows: Air Pollution: Air pollution is the contamination of air in the atmosphere when harmful or excessive quantities of substances such as smoke and harmful gases from industries, CFCs and oxides produced by the automobiles, the burning of Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
Essay on Pollution – blogger.com
The word pollution means to tarnish the natural resources which are the producers of a disproportion in the ecosystem. The current catastrophic issue going on is environmental pollution. When a lethal substance creeps into an ambiance at a faster rate than the environments innate accommodation causes pollution.
The major causes of the contamination of the natural resources and essay pollution hazardous by-products emitted by the large scale factories, essay pollution. Air pollution, water pollution, noise and soil pollution are the most dangerous forms of pollution causing heath disorders to the human beings, essay pollution.
The water is not safe to drink, the air is not pure to inhale, the crops are not safely grown and a lot more. It is very important that for the healthy survival of life on the planet in future preventive measures need to be taken to control the widely spreading pollution, essay pollution. The pollutants disturbing our natural ecosystem are hazardous gases emitted from the chimneys factories, deposited matter like dust and smog, insecticide, pesticides, organic compounds from industries like acetic acid and benzene, discharging of waste into the water bodies and the list goes on.
Be it any type of Pollution, industrialization along with greenhouse effect have the adverse impacts on our ecosystem, essay pollution. The ever ending greediness and exploitation of natural resources is paving a way towards serious abasement of these resources. We need to learn sustainable development. The ever increasing day by day pollution is not only deteriorating our naturally beautiful environmentessay pollution, but is also posing some serious and chronic diseases affecting the lives on earth.
Some of the most important types of the pollution are air essay pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and noise pollution.
Each type of pollution has its own repercussions on essay pollution environment and ecosystem thus essay pollution the quality of life, essay pollution.
Air pollution is mainly caused by the vehicles emitting the harmful and poisonous gases, smoke from factories and open burning, burning of fossil fuels. We need to understand that it makes it difficult for plants, animals and humans to survive as the air becomes contaminated. When the oxygen level in the essay pollution reduces due to emissions of Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide the imbalance caused by the increase or essay pollution of the percentage of these gases can be harmful for survival.
When the toxic waste of factories and industries is directly released into water bodies, essay pollution, it contaminates them, thus causing water pollution. Water pollution not only affects the marine life, but also causes serious health disorders when we drink this contaminated water.
Soil pollution is caused by the presence of harmful chemicals in the natural soil environment caused by industrial activity, agricultural chemicals, improper disposal of waste and use of fertilizers and insecticides.
It directly affects our heath as we eat the crops grown in this soil only. The probable sources of noise pollution are the factories and industries where big machines with essay pollution and compressors are used, airplane engines, train sounds, home appliances, sounds from construction sites, traffic noise of moving trucks, buses, essay pollution, cars, and automobiles with blow horns.
It cuts down the ear sensitivity to the sound which is obligatory to administer body rhythm and affects the cognitive health and causes combative behavior, essay pollution, disturbed sleep, and stressful life. We need to understand that to lead a happy and clean essay pollution it is very important to combat all these pollutions and save our environment and its natural resources from depletion, essay pollution.
Environmental pollution refers to the addition of catastrophic pollutants into the environment. It has a precarious effects on the lives of the human beings. During the last 5 years the world an immense rise in environmental pollution due to Large scale deforestation and increasing urbanization. The major types of environmental pollution are air pollution, water pollution, essay pollution, noise pollution and soil pollution. The industries all over the world acts as a major source of pollution, essay pollution.
The pall of smoke and the swirling gases pose health hazards, thereby polluting the air and water both. When these gases are emitted in the air it causes air pollution, when the solid wastes from the industries are dumped into water bodies they cause water and soil pollution.
The machines used in the industries like boilers, grinders, compressors adds up to the noise pollution. Households dump their solid waste and half burnt dead bodies and many other toxic wastes into nearby water bodies, which leads to the water and soil pollution. The smoke emitted by vehicles on the roads also pollutes the environment. The harmful smoke of these vehicles causes air pollution and the sounds produced by these vehicles produces causes noise-pollution, essay pollution.
Noxious gases such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are released on combustion of fossil fuels which pollutes the air. We need to understand that if heightening levels essay pollution pollution is not regulated in time it will start having a negative impact on our ecosystem. Lets pledge to save our ecosystem. Essay on Pollution Words The word pollution means to tarnish the natural resources which are the producers of a disproportion in the ecosystem.
Essay on Pollution words The ever increasing day by day pollution is not only deteriorating our naturally beautiful environmentbut is also posing some serious and chronic diseases affecting the lives on earth, essay pollution. Each type of pollution has its own repercussions on the environment and ecosystem thus affecting the quality of life Air pollution is mainly caused by the vehicles emitting the harmful and poisonous gases, smoke from factories and open burning, burning of fossil fuels.
Essay on Pollution words Environmental pollution refers to the addition of catastrophic pollutants into the environment. Sources of pollution Industrial activities The industries all over the world acts as a major source of pollution. Dumping solid waste Households dump their solid waste and half burnt dead bodies and many other toxic wastes into nearby water bodies, which leads to the water and soil pollution.
Vehicles The smoke emitted by vehicles on the roads also pollutes the environment. Oxidization of fossil fuels Noxious gases such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are released on essay pollution of fossil fuels which pollutes the essay pollution. Effects of pollution Environmental pollution has negatively affected the life of both human-beings and animals.
Major respiratory problems and lung diseases like asthma are caused by the smoke emitted from industries. Contaminated water kills the animals that depends upon water like fishes ,crabs etc. Soil pollution is adversely affecting the farm production as the polluted soil hampers the yielding of the crops and also pollutes the grould water. Essay pollution gives rise to auditory problems leading to deafness and sometimes even adversely essay pollution the brain.
Remedial Measures of pollution Factories should not be permitted to set up in the environs of the residential area to keep the respiratory problems that arise from the smoke at the bay. Vehicles should get their pollution control checked at regular intervals and old essay pollution should be discarded, thus minimizing the air pollution.
Essay pollution cover should be increased as planting more and more trees acts as a bulwark for the pollution Factories should treat their waste in the treatment plants before discharging them into the water bodies. Page Contents Essay on Pollution Words Essay on Pollution words Essay on Pollution words Sources of pollution Effects of pollution Remedial Measures of pollution.
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Essay on pollution (the problem of pollution) in english
, time: 13:28Essay about Pollution - Words | Bartleby

Argumentative Essay On Pollution. Words5 Pages. Jessica Zhou. B English L&L. Miss Comeau. Argumentative Research. June 2, Pollution and its Effect on the Earth Pollution is, without a doubt, a serious global issue that needs attention and resolutions. As human technology improve, water, land, air, noise, and light pollutions are all inevitable Essay on Pollution ( Words) The word pollution means to tarnish the natural resources which are the producers of a disproportion in the ecosystem. The current catastrophic issue going on is environmental pollution. When a lethal substance creeps into an ambiance at a faster rate than the environments innate accommodation causes blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins POLLUTION Pollution can be a very hazardous thing to happen to the population and the economy. If left to grow to worst condition it can cause health issues to the people of the affected area and can cause death which in turn gives fewer people to work causing the economy to drop to dangerous levels
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