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International terrorism essay

International terrorism essay

international terrorism essay

International Terrorism – Essay. Article shared by. In legal terms, “An act committed with any lethal weapon is classed as terrorism”. Inviting support for a terrorist person, group or organization addressing a gathering of terrorism sympathizers, or assisting in arranging a meeting where support is expressed for terrorist groups or financing of terrorist activists all Estimated Reading Time: 13 mins Apr 06,  · Terrorism, as defined in the dictionary, is known to be making use of violence, intimidation and threats to achieve a certain goal, which happens to be of political purposes most of the times. In this essay, we’ll look into the different reasons of why people resort to terrorism, if it is really the last and best way to achieve what they want. I will also write about the opposing Essay On International Terrorism. Words5 Pages. One of the largest concerns of the modern world has become the war on terrorism and the prevention of terroristic attacks. With the recent growth of the number of attacks committed by the terrorists and the number of their victims, this issue has become one of the central problems in the globalized world

Essay: International Terrorism | 5 pages, Words:

During the last decades, the entire world has experienced effects of globalization. In addition to the undeniable benefits, this process generates many social and political crises, contradictions, international terrorism essay, and conflicts, with one of the ways to solve them becoming terrorism.

The modern study of terrorism and its causes is in close contact with the study of the process of globalization. Indeed, globalization has spread to all spheres of public life, from economics and philosophy to culture and sports, and there is no area of life that would not have felt its impact.

Moreover, both positive and negative phenomena have also become of international terrorism essay global nature, including terrorism. In particular, terrorism has evolved into a global problem in the late XIX — early XX centuries Coolsaet It has become a weapon and a force of destruction and intimidation in the eternal and irreconcilable antagonism between different worlds, cultures, ideologies, religions, and philosophies.

Terrorism has become number one problem of the modernity by being a dangerous, complex, and unpredictable threat to the humanity, which contributes to the relevance of the topic of the essay. Therefore, the following work is dedicated to the study of the phenomenon of terrorism on a global scale and discussion of ways to combat it. In the era of globalization, fears of many countries, as well as religious and social groups are caused by the erasure of mental, international terrorism essay, social, religious, economic, and political boundaries between nations.

People may international terrorism essay extremist groups of a terrorist nature with anti-globalization and anti-Western orientation. The same effect can be achieved by the sense of danger of the destruction of religion, culture, language, and development of the axes of confrontation between developed countries of the West, such as America, and the Third World. Therefore, the international terrorist activity has several trends. First of all, terrorism becomes a dangerous obstacle to the solution of social, ethnic, religious, and international conflicts.

It negates all political and legal guarantees and paralyzes relations between states, nations, international terrorism essay, religions, social groups, political parties, and non-governmental organizations.

By being combined with the organized crime and with such kinds of illegal and immoral acts like drug trafficking, international terrorism essay, slavery, and organization of extremist armed groups, international terrorism essay crimes are becoming more sophisticated and brutal Coolsaet In turn, international terrorism essay, the humanity becomes more vulnerable.

A distinctive feature of modern terrorism as a global issue is blurring of boundaries between domestic and international terrorism. In particular, terrorists are increasingly penetrating into regions of other countries.

For example, in Chechnya there was observed presence of citizens international terrorism essay other countries who were providing assistance to rebels Medina and Hepner Many militants involved in terrorist activities in any state are trained in their criminal activities in camps and bases of a foreign state or group of states. They also get necessary material and technical assistance and policy direction from there, as well as spiritual support of extremist religious educational institutions.

Often, they are supported by government structures of such unfriendly countries, which have a desire to implement their geopolitical interests for example, international terrorism essay, to create a pan-Islamic state Medina and Hepner They use tactics of provocation of interethnic and interreligious conflict, a revolutionary sentiment to overthrow unwanted authorities primarily by ideological and information processing, which sometimes develops into an information international terrorism essay. Besides, terrorists cooperate with international extremist sectarian groups and associations.

Therefore, a man who has lost confidence in his traditional religion, but without losing faith in God begins to seek intercession and spiritual support from sectarians. However, he may simply support them without becoming a member of the sect. By rejecting everything that is associated with their previous outlook and actively absorbing a new, international terrorism essay, in their opinion, faith and views, people do international terrorism essay notice that they become puppets in the hands of terrorists and extremists Lutz and Lutz In order to commit their criminal acts on both international and regional levels, terrorists are becoming better equipped in terms of resources, as well as tactical, organizational, technical, international terrorism essay informational aspects.

Nowadays, terrorist groups rarely take responsibility for attacks, which are becoming more widespread, cruel, inhuman, and bloody Medina and Hepner As a result, both persons and society as a whole feel being increasingly exposed to the international terrorism essay as there is a feeling of fear and anxiety even in situations when nothing portends tragedy.

However, international terrorism essay, terrorists are becoming increasingly unscrupulous, choosing for their crimes places that many consider sacred: in different parts of the world explosions occur in churches of various denominations, international terrorism essay, burial sites, and memorials, international terrorism essay. Despising life of the people of a certain nation, denomination, and social group, terrorists seek to show their hatred of religion, culture, history, and everything that is treated with reverence and respect, international terrorism essay.

The cult of violence develops, resulting in devaluing of human life and growth of cruelty, cynicism, and mutual hatred Coolsaet Victims of violence often want revenge and retaliation, which are sometimes no less inhuman, thus endangering innocent people, international terrorism essay.

In this case, political, legal, and social guarantees are often sidelined and conflicts are resolved by violent means. Moreover, response of the state is not always appropriate in terms of the world standards of humanism and democracy. Judging by the provided facts, it is possible to say that the problem of combating international terrorism is multifaceted and has no simple solutions.

First of all, it is clear that terrorists have created a powerful and extensive network of criminal organizations around the world. In this regard, the fight against terrorism requires organized and coordinated efforts of all members of the international community.

Second, terrorist networks and organizations do not arise without a reason. Communication channels to smuggle people and weapons across borders that are at the disposal of organized criminal groups who are not engaged in extremist activities are often used by terrorists Nesi Moreover, such groups often use techniques of organizations involved in international terrorism essay trafficking in their work.

This fact indicates that the problem of international terrorism cannot be solved in isolation from addressing issues of drug and human trafficking as international terrorism essay as of the organized crime in general Nesi Therefore, a single country cannot fully address these problems.

As noted above, international terrorism essay, it is necessary to combine efforts of members of the global society to identify causes of terrorism and minimize their effect. Elimination of reasons that push people to aid terrorist organizations is a complex task that will require joint efforts of all members of the international community. In particular, it is required to narrow the social soil of terrorism: unemployment, poverty, illiteracy, and various forms of discrimination Nesi In conclusion, it is possible to say that the international terrorism has become one international terrorism essay the most dangerous threats to modern civilization.

It has its own specificity, which distinguishes it from other issues. However, the problem of terrorism is closely linked to the majority of global problems of modern international relations. Recent terrorist acts, especially the tragic events of September 11, in New York, have become unprecedented in their scope and impact on the future course of the world politics. By the beginning of the XXI century, the number of victims, international terrorism essay, as well as size and nature of destruction caused by attacks have become comparable to the effects of armed conflicts and local wars.

Responses caused international terrorism essay these attacks have led to the creation of an international coalition against terrorism with dozens of states as its members Nesi Such events have previously occurred only in case of major armed conflicts and wars. International terrorism essay antiterrorist military operations have also acquired a global scale, but the most efficient ways of eradication of this phenomenon are still being determined by the international community although a significant amount of work on resolving this problem has been done.

However, it should be noted that the extent of the spread of terrorism has taken such a nature that no country in the world has full protection from the commission of terrorist acts on its territory. In this regard, along with the most efficient domestic measures aimed at preventing terrorist activities, it is necessary to consider the problem on a global scale and thus develop a strategy to combat it.

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Understanding the Global Community - International Terrorism

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Free International Terrorism Essays and Papers | Help Me

international terrorism essay

Free International Terrorism Essays and Papers international terrorism. After reading Martha Crenshaw’s essay on The Causes of Terrorism, thoughts were provoked that Domestic Terrorism And International Terrorism. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines terrorism as any act Defining Words Short Essay on International Terrorism. Recent history has witnessed the growth of two conflicting trends. Democracy has spread and is widely accepted. There has also been a simultaneous growth of terrorist violence in support of narrow political aims. This is the very negation of the principle of blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Nov 14,  · International Terrorism. During the last decades, the entire world has experienced effects of globalization. In addition to the undeniable benefits, this process generates many social and political crises, contradictions, and conflicts, with one of the ways to solve them becoming terrorism. The modern study of terrorism and its causes is in close contact with the study of

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