· Introduction Plagiarism or academic dishonesty as it is commonly known is a rampant vice among college students which is committed both intentionally and unintentionally (Maureen and Joyce ). There is a growing concern about the increasing levels of plagiarism among students who are either too lazy to do their assignments or are turning to doing [ ] Reflective Essay on Plagiarism - UK Essays | UKEssays Introduction Plagiarism or academic dishonesty as it is commonly known is a rampant vice among college students which is committed both intentionally and unintentionally (Maureen and Joyce ). Ther
Reflective Essay on Plagiarism - Verified Essay
Plagiarism or academic dishonesty as it is commonly known is a rampant vice among college students which is committed both intentionally and unintentionally Maureen and Joyce There is a growing concern about the increasing levels of plagiarism among students who are either too lazy to do their assignments or are turning to doing group work and then turning assignments as their original work. Different forms of plagiarism exist which to fairly new students in college may be quite hard to master.
My position on this issue is that plagiarism should be discouraged using the strongest and enforceable terms possible. The first step is to give an F in the particular assignment or test and then proceed to reassign reflective essay on plagiarism test again but first making sure that the student understands what plagiarism is and why he or she is repeating the assignment.
To make sure that the student is serious with work, the possible total marks that can be awarded in the second attempt of the paper is seventy percent and not a hundred in order to make the student to work harder. On top of redoing the work again, the student involved in plagiarism should appear before a specially constituted board of staff members in the department of the student and also the parents should be present Jack and Michelle Failure of following the above procedure by the student will lead reflective essay on plagiarism failure in the course and reflective essay on plagiarism no graduation for such a student, reflective essay on plagiarism.
This stand may seem harsh but it is the only way of curtailing a culture that is threatening to kill innovation and originality among our future scholars, reflective essay on plagiarism. In the field of research, originality of ideas is encouraged although those ideas must reflective essay on plagiarism from prior similar work which someone took a lot of time to compile and acknowledgement would be in order, reflective essay on plagiarism.
It would also deem to be unfair as a tutor to award marks to all students on the same scale considering that some have done their honest work and turned it on time whereas others have taken a short cut and copied from their friends at the last time to avoid failing in the paper Jack and Michelle There has been a mushrooming of many internet sites that have custom written papers which a student can download an essay for quite an exorbitant fee in order to avoid doing the assignment.
This trend pits reflective essay on plagiarism from rich backgrounds who can afford to buy professionally written papers in order to out do their counterparts against other students who depend sorely on their natural abilities to research.
In the long run, some students may pass not because of their natural abilities and intellect but because they used shortcuts Maureen and Joyce Some faculty members and teachers have argued that punishment that is doled on students in the case of plagiarism is sometimes extreme and impacts negatively on the lives of students who may sometimes be suspended for two years.
According to an article appearing in The Daily Princetonian, as many as ten students were asked to leave the Princeton University for two years on various charges of plagiarism.
In addition, twenty two students were slapped with suspensions and expulsions while the degrees of other students were withheld by the university Jack and Michelle Most of the punishment is seen as draconian and unfair which is not the case especially when there are clearly outlined penalties for plagiarism which are available to every student in college. To counter this, many people argue that plagiarism is in many forms which should carry different penalties and not a viewed as equal Plagiarism Statement While there may be different forms of plagiarism, reflective essay on plagiarism, the bottom line is that it all amounts to plagiarism and it should be treated the same.
The only thing that may make difference in penalty is whether it is a first time offense or a repeated offence. The penalties are also not just handed but a committee sits downs and passes the sentence based on admissible reflective essay on plagiarism of plagiarism, laid down regulations and their expertise on such matters Maureen and Joyce There is no other way to show the seriousness of dealing with plagiarism other than to hand out stiff penalties on offenders in order to discourage the vice in our future scholars.
However, considerations can be made on to what form of plagiarism because there are usually cases of mistakes and students end up paying severely, reflective essay on plagiarism.
To avoid the penalties that come up with plagiarism, students have to make sure that they acknowledge their sources even if they have paraphrased the original thought, cut or copy pasting of material from the reflective essay on plagiarism is not an option and all materials that is cited should be within the reference and the reference materials should be cited within your work.
Pricing Our Services Buy Essay Write My Essay Pay for Essay Write My Assignment Assignment Help Buy Dissertation Blog Free Essays My Account Order now. Reflective Essay on Plagiarism. Andrew Newman Posted on August 4, reflective essay on plagiarism, Share: Share this on WhatsApp Share this on FaceBook Share this on Twitter.
Introduction Plagiarism or academic dishonesty as it is commonly known is a rampant vice among college students which is committed both intentionally and unintentionally Maureen and Joyce Conclusion There is no other way to show the seriousness of dealing with plagiarism other than to hand out stiff penalties on offenders in order to discourage the vice in our future scholars.
Work cited Jack Ackerman and Michelle Wu, reflective essay on plagiarism. Doling Out Discipline. Plagiarism: Do students know what it is? Union County Public Schools Graduation Project Implementation Guide.
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· Introduction Plagiarism or academic dishonesty as it is commonly known is a rampant vice among college students which is committed both intentionally and unintentionally (Maureen and Joyce ). There is a growing concern about the increasing levels of plagiarism among students who are either too lazy to do their assignments or are turning to doing [ ] Reflective Essay on Plagiarism - UK Essays | UKEssays · Essay Sample: Plagiarism or academic dishonesty as it is commonly known is a rampant vice among college students which is committed both intentionally and StudyMoose App 24/7 writing help on your phoneEstimated Reading Time: 6 mins
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